Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Exploratory Research on Pizza Heaven Essay Example for Free

Exploratory Research on Pizza Heaven Essay 1. Exploratory research is a form of research conducted for a problem that has not been clearly defined. It helps determine the best research design, data collection method and selection of subjects. Even from the definition of exploratory research we can see, that it is done in order to define the problem and to help understand in which direction the further research should go. Exploratory research is preliminary, and is not conclusive, the quality of information provided is not perfect, and also the focus group chosen(40people) was not really representing the whole of the students at West coast. Therefore they should not yet implement the findings, because the data provided by 40 students might not be applicable to all student at West coast. 2. The problem Pizza Heaven has faced is that their sales have slipped. That could be due to competition from national chains such as Pizza Hut or Dominos, so questions about competition should be asked. (Because potential clients might like something about the competitors more e. g.pizza itself, delivery, atmosphere in restaurants) also, they noted that the selection was often poor Sales could have slipped, because of the range of products Pizza Heaven offers, so that topic has to be covered as well, including questions about new possible pizzas. (Because it may be that competitors are offering some types of pizza that Pizza Heaven dont have) A decrease in sales can also be due to poor customer service, so that topic should also be covered. People said that pizzas were usually dry and cold why? maybe delivery took too long, that should be explored in more details. 3. Step One: Establishing the Need for Marketing Research The need is already established, as there is a decrease in sales Step Two: Defining the Problem So the problem is a decrease in sales, due to what ? Step Three: Establishing Research Objectives Hard Competition? Poor range of products? Need better customer service? those are the questions to ask. Step Four: Determining Research Design. Descriptive and Causal Research should be done. Step Five: Identifying Information Types and Sources Primary data should be collected, but also secondary data could be of a little use, for example if the sales dropped overall and not only by Pizza Heaven, due to crisis or some other reason Step Six: Determining Methods of Accessing Data We should have people asking the question, and also questionnaires coming with each pizza could help. Step Seven: Designing Data collection Forms Can be questionnaires(must be worded objectively, clearly, and without bias in order to communicate with respondents), surveys, or both can be done through email (although there is only a 5% response rate) Step Eight: Determining Sample Plan and Size Sample Size should surely be more than 40 people from one location. Also a sample should be representative, e. g. not only student of age 18-20, but also every other age groups. Step Nine: Collecting Data Step Ten: Analyzing Data Step Eleven: Preparing and Presenting the Final Report.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Dizziness - The Search for Balance :: Biology Essays Research Papers

On the Search for Balance: A Balancing Act in the Midst of Dizziness Imagine that you are 6 years old again. You are at a playground clutching a pole on the merry-go-round, which is whirling as fast as your friends can run to keep the merry-go-round going. Your friends let go and when you jump off as the merry-go-round stops spinning, you fall because the world seems to wobble out of control. Although you have stopped spinning on the merry-go-round, your brain tells you otherwise. This is the everyday reality for a chronically dizzy person. Following headaches and lower-back pain, dizziness is the third most common medical complaint in the United States. More than 90 million people in the United States will experience a spell of dizziness at some point in their lives (1). Dizziness is a sensation people feel when they lose their sense of spatial orientation. In other words, people feel dizzy when they lose some of their immediate contact with their physical surroundings. A simple disoriented feeling may occur, or one may experience a feeling of movement or of being off balance (2). In most cases, dizziness arises naturally from unusual changes that disrupt the normal feeling of stability. However, a disturbance or a disease in the system that maintains balance can also cause dizziness (3). What could be the cause of this internal lack of balance? Although many forms of dizziness exist, such as Meniere's disease, I am going to focus on what keeps us balanced. The issue of balance first interested me when my mother had gone to see an acupuncturist concerning her high blood pressure. Not only did she come in hopes of finding a cure for her high blood pressure, she also found that she suffers from balance problems. The Chinese guru of an acupuncturist said, "Your whole body is out of balance. Fire blazes within you without equilibrium. You should take a vacation." Apparently, correlation exists between blood pressure and physical balance. Immediately, I became worried and confused. I have been searching for the cause of my mother's problems for some time now. Why is it that she never even noticed that the world was out of balance in her perspective? She always subtly mentioned the feeling of dizziness and the constant coldness of her right shoulder. But I never realized how serious her situation was. I now know that these symptoms are due to an imbalance.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Concentration Camps

Concentration camps were constructed for mass killings. Digging deeper into the methods of murder they used, there's more to it than gas chambers, starvation, and overwork. The medical experiments were a major factor in the massive death toll in the concentration camps. Today doctors strive to keep people healthy and alive. For Nazi doctors Joseph Mengele, Karl Clauberg, and Sigmund Rascherat, the ones responsible for countless deaths, that was not their number one priority. Nazi doctors in the concentration camps conducted inhumane experiments such as examining twins, sterilization of men and women, and the freezing of people. When prisoners arrived at the camps, they probably expected the worst. For the twins however, life in the camps wasn't as bad as it could've been. Twins were allowed to keep their hair and sometimes their clothes (Remember.org, 4). Being a twin gave them a better chance of surviving (Lifton, 351). Even though the experiments were cruel and barbarous, they offered an escape from the harsh camp (Lifton, 354). Twins lived in special buildings, such as the medical blocks. Unlike normal prisoners, twins were able to move freely throughout camp. Within the blocks, the father of a set of twins would be assigned block chief (Lifton, 348). Young female twins were lucky in a way since their mother was allowed to stay with them. The reasoning behind this is, Joseph Mengele, the mad man behind these experiments, wanted them in stable mental and physical condition (Lifton, 349). No matter how healthy they were, nothing could prepare the twins for what was to come. The Nazi's thought that twins were the key to discovering a way to quickly increase the German race. Doctors hoped to uncover the secret to multiple births (Pbs.org, 3). In order to conduct experiments, Mengele needed twins. He exploited easy access to twins at Auschwitz and was a fanatical figure in the selection (Lifton, 348). In 1944, 250 individual twins arrived in Birkenau (Lifton, 349). The selection process began with Mengele shouting, â€Å"Zwillinge heraus!†, which means twins in German. Once rounded up, they were each given a number sequence on their arm (Lifton, 348). Identical twins were the ones Mengele wished for the most, as they were his most treasured research objects (Lifton, 349). Although the experiments sound like Nazi's tourtering prisoners without any medical knowledge, there was a method to the madness. Mengele's method was based off of scientific training, Nazi ideology, and the peculiarities at Auschwitz's setting (Lifton, 347). When twins were examined, they were examined together and naked (Lifton, 349-350). Measurements of every part of their body were taken (Remember,org, 4). Each session, ten cubic centimeters of blood were drawn and during the first examinations the family history of the twins was taken (Lifton, 350). Today we can look at an actual experiment performed on a set of identical Hungarian twins. Selection began in 1943 when three sets of twins arrived at Auschwitz. Dr. Mengele saw the Hungarian set and took them (Remember.org, 4). They were 18 year old men and described as very handsome and athletic. Examination began right away with their heads, which took several days. Next photographs were taken to show hair growth. The most dangerous thing done to them while they were alive was being ventilated with gas. They coughed so severely, restraints were needed to hold them down. After the gas, they were placed into hot water up until the point of passing out and then all their hair was removed; more photographs were taken. The Hungarian twins were killed the same way as every other set that made it to the end of the experiments. A syringe of chloroform was injected into their hearts. Mengele was very careful to make sure the twins died at the exact same time. Once no longer alive, they were dissected and their organs were sent to the Institute of Biological Racial and Evolutionary Research Berlin (Remember. Org, 4). Dissection of the corpses was the last part of Mengele's twin research (Lifton, 350). These experiments were drastic. Of the 1,000 pairs experimented on, only 200 pairs survived (Pbs.org, 3). Sadly, this was not the end of cruel Nazi medical experiments; sterilization of prisoners was also very important to the Germans. Sterilization: surgery to make a person unable to produce offspring. The main goal of sterilization was to discover a rapid, inexpensive, and unobtrusive method to wipe out Russians, Poles, Jews, and other races (Berenbaum, 347). Nazis hoped to sterilize millions with minimum time and effort (Pbs.org, 5). Even though a method already existed, surgical sterilization, doctors thought it was too slow and expensive. These experiments occurred in camps such as Auschwitz and Ravensbruck (Berenbaum, 247). There were mainly two doctors known for sterilization, Gebhardt and Clauberg. Gebhardt worked at Ravensbruck by the surgical method. The method Clauberg used was by an injection. Dr. Karl Clauberg conducted it on a large scale (Berenbaum, 348). He was the main man for sterilization (Lifton, 271). Although the doctors knew how they wanted to sterilize, a formula had to be developed. Since Dr. Clauberg was the head of these experiments, he developed his own formula, but he was very secretive about the substances he used. Researchers today assume he used formalin and novocain (Lifton, 271-272). Formalin is a clear watery solution of methanol used as a preservative. Novocain, also known as procaine, is a local anesthetic drug used as a sodium channel blocker. This impairs the conduction of sodium ions. This injection was done in three stages over a few months. Unfortunately, Clauberg used over 300 women over the course of his work (Lifton, 272). Not just women had to face the horrors of Dr. Clauberg, thousands of male Jews and Gypsies were sterilized at Auschwitz by injection. Later on, doctors discovered a brand new method, x rays. This way was effective, but castration would result. There were also dangers to other parts of the body if not covered by lead (Berenbaum, 348). Even though the Nazi doctor's main goal was to sterilize, other issues occured. Thousands who were sterilized suffered excruciating mental and physical pain (Pbs.org, 5). Fever also overtook many victims. Some prisoners were very resistant but many feared what would happen if they were. Prisoners who resisted were sent to the gas chamber at Birkenau (Lifton, 272). Knowing each day what would be done to them by Clauberg caused them to be overcome with fear and anxiety (Lifton, 273). Of course sterilization was extremely painful and killed many people, but the freezing experiments were the most painful experiments the Nazi's conducted. A problem Germany had during World War II was when their pilots in planes had to eject into the ocean, they would die from hypothermia. Nazi's number one goal was to discover a way to treat frozen German pilots (Pbs.org, 2). These experiments were designed to simulate conditions on the eastern front and were conducted for the Nazi high command. Some camps had the perfect weather conditions; Birkenau, Dachau, and Auschwitz (Remember.org, 2). Two methods used were an icy vat of water and using the sub-zero temperatures outside. Each experiment was divided into two parts. The first part, Sigmund established how long it took for body temperature to lower to death. During the second part he tried to find the best way to revive the frozen person. Through tests, Sigmund figured the icy vat method was the quickest way to drop body temperature (Remember.org, 2). Before the prisoners were placed in the icy vat, they were either given an aviator suit or wore nothing at all. They were each in the vat for up to five hours at a time. Once their body temperature fell to 79.7 degrees fahrenheit, Sigmund would throw hot sleeping bags or use scalding baths to rewarm them (Pbs.org). The second method was conducted outdoors. Dr. Sigmund strapped prisoners to a stretcher and placed them outside. Auschwitz was one of the most ideal places for experiments outside because of the extreme winters. Eventually after suffering in the cold for hours, most victims lost consciousness and died once their body temperature dropped (Remember.org, 2). Throughout the whole experiment, Dr. Sigmund was constantly measuring the changes in heart rate, body temperature, and muscles flexes (Pbs.org, 2). Although not many survived, there is a documented experiment done on two men. These men were both from Russia and once at the camp they were both sent to the icy vat. A long time after being submerged in the vat, neither of the men were losing consciousness. Realizing not much was happening, Dr. Sigmund lowered the temperature. Shortly after this, both of them passed away. Everyone apart of this experiment were shocked at how long they lasted (Remember.org, 2). All in all, 80 to 100 people died due to these freezing experiments conducted in icy vats or in sub-zero temperatures (Pbs.org).Nazi doctors were ruthless and would've done anything for the name of science. No matter how many people they killed, they were determined to get rid of the Jews, Gypsies, and other races. Even examining masses of twins, attempting to sterilize millions of men and women, and pushing the human body to as cold as it could go. These medical experiments caused hundreds of deaths and gives the title doctor a dark background.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Equilibrium Constant of Electrochemical Cell Reaction

The equilibrium constant of an electrochemical cells redox reaction can be calculated using the Nernst equation and the relationship between standard cell potential and free energy. This example problem shows how to find the equilibrium constant of a cells redox reaction. Problem The following two half-reactions are used to form an electrochemical cell:Oxidation:SO2(g) 2 H20(â„“) → SO4-(aq) 4 H(aq) 2 e-  Ã‚  E °ox -0.20 VReduction:Cr2O72-(aq) 14 H(aq) 6 e- → 2 Cr3(aq) 7 H2O(â„“)  Ã‚  E °red 1.33 VWhat is the equilibrium constant of the combined cell reaction at 25 C? Solution Step 1: Combine and balance the two half-reactions. The oxidation half-reaction produces 2 electrons and the reduction half-reaction needs 6 electrons. To balance the charge, the oxidation reaction must be multiplied by a factor of 3.3 SO2(g) 6 H20(â„“) → 3 SO4-(aq) 12 H(aq) 6 e- Cr2O72-(aq) 14 H(aq) 6 e- → 2 Cr3(aq) 7 H2O(â„“)3 SO2(g) Cr2O72-(aq) 2 H(aq) → 3 SO4-(aq) 2 Cr3(aq) H2O(â„“)By balancing the equation, we now know the total number of electrons exchanged in the reaction. This reaction exchanged six electrons. Step 2: Calculate the cell potential.This electrochemical cell EMF example problem shows how to calculate cell potential of a cell from standard reduction potentials.**E °cell E °ox E °redE °cell -0.20 V 1.33 VE °cell 1.13 VStep 3: Find the equilibrium constant, K.When a reaction is at equilibrium, the change in free energy is equal to zero. The change in free energy of an electrochemical cell is related to the cell potential of the equation:ΔG -nFEcellwhereΔG is the free energy of the reactionn is the number of moles of electrons exchanged in the reactionF is Faradays constant (96484.56 C/mol)E is the cell potential. The cell potential and free energy example shows how to calculate free energy of a redox reaction.If ΔG 0:, solve for Ecell0 -nFEcellEcell 0 VThis means, at equilibrium, the potential of the cell is zero. The reaction progresses forward and backward at the same rate, meaning there is no net electron flow. With no electron flow, there is no current and the potential is equal to zero.Now there is enough information known to use the Nernst equation to find the equilibrium constant.The Nernst equation is:Ecell E °cell - (RT/nF) x log10QwhereEcell is the cell potentialE °cell refers to standard cell potentialR is the gas constant (8.3145 J/mol ·K)T is the absolute temperaturen is the number of moles of electrons transferred by the cells reactionF is Faradays constant (96484.56 C/mol)Q is the reaction quotient**The Nernst equation example problem shows how to use the Nernst equation to calculate cell potential of a non-standard cell.**At equilibrium, the reaction quotient Q i s the equilibrium constant, K. This makes the equation:Ecell E °cell - (RT/nF) x log10KFrom above, we know the following:Ecell 0 VE °cell 1.13 VR 8.3145 J/mol ·KT 25 degC 298.15 KF 96484.56 C/moln 6 (six electrons are transferred in the reaction)Solve for K:0 1.13 V - [(8.3145 J/mol ·K x 298.15 K)/(6 x 96484.56 C/mol)]log10K-1.13 V - (0.004 V)log10Klog10K 282.5K 10282.5K 10282.5 100.5 x 10282K 3.16 x 10282Answer:The equilibrium constant of the cells redox reaction is 3.16 x 10282.